Vision Zero will succeed only if we are successful in establishing community-owned strategies and empowering advocates.
Sam Schwartz offers a forward-looking but pragmatic approach to traffic safety, including Vision Zero, a increasingly-accepted paradigm for preventing all traffic deaths and serious injuries.
On the national level, Sam Schwartz has led numerous behavioral safety research investigations for NHTSA and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety on critical traffic safety issues including seat belt use, distracted driving, impaired driving, speed, pedestrian safety, bicycle safety, and motorcycle safety.
At the state and local levels, Sam Schwartz has turned that research into practical application, playing a key role in supporting traffic safety and Vison Zero programs from coast to coast. In Chicago, our team has led the city’s comprehensive Vision Zero program, from spearheading policy shifts to developing hyper-local action plans and providing direct education to residents throughout the city. Additional recent traffic safety projects include the Hillsborough MPO Vision Zero Action Plan; City of Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update; Connecticut Strategic Highway Safety Plan; District of Columbia Highway Safety Improvement Program; NYC Vision Zero Transit Bus Safety Initiative; and Atlantic Avenue Vision Zero Improvements.
Safer, Faster: Rapid Delivery Projects Remaking Chicago Streets