Ann Arbor, MI
City of Ann Arbor
Transportation Planning
Active Transportation Planning
Community Engagement
Vision Zero
Ann Arbor Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update
Sam Schwartz is partnering with the City of Ann Arbor to develop a transformative update to the City’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan. It will detail a clear path towards eliminating deaths and serious injuries related to traffic crashes and increasing residents’ transportation choices.
Sam Schwartz developed project-specific branding to ensure the process is recognizable and approachable. A multifaceted engagement plan enables us to hear from a diverse array of the public and the City’s stakeholders.
We are developing new analytical methods and leveraging emerging data sources to better understand safety, mobility, and accessibility issues and opportunities across the City. Our team will use the findings from the public engagement and data analysis to develop strategies and actions which will enhance safety while increasing accessibility. The Plan will also include a detailed assessment of emerging mobility technologies and services and direction on how the City can establish a replicable framework for evaluating new opportunities.