Pittsburgh, PA
City of Pittsburgh
Transportation Planning
Community Engagement
Traffic Engineering
Parking + TDM
Bike + Pedestrian Design
New Mobility
Urban Design
Uptown Pittsburgh EcoInnovation District
Sam Schwartz led the transportation elements of a master plan for transforming Uptown Pittsburgh into a model “eco-innovation district” to foster equitable and sustainable development. The firm performed wide-ranging data collection, assembled a detailed parking inventory, and evaluated bicycle level of comfort and walkability. Robust, meaningful engagement—such as the community’s involvement in a study of BRT options—also informed the analysis. Final recommendations spanned street typologies, parking supply and management strategies, pedestrian safety and streetscape improvements, separated/protected bike lanes along key corridors, and a preferred alignment for the new BRT route.
The plan was awarded an American Planning Association (APA) Sustainable Communities Division Award for Excellence in Sustainability.