New York, NY
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sidewalk Construction
Agency Coordination
Community Outreach
Pedestrian Planning
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Plaza Project
Sam Schwartz worked with the Metropolitan Museum of Art to complete the Museum Plaza Project, a complete redesign of the MET’s iconic plaza stretching from East 80th Street to East 84th Street, on the west side of Fifth Avenue. The entire plaza has been redesigned with new fountains, trees, new sidewalk pavement, and other new amenities.
As part of this project, Sam Schwartz presented the new, distinctive sidewalk design to the New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) through their Sidewalk, Curb and Roadway Application (SCARA) process for approval. Sam Schwartz prepared Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) plans for the various stages of construction, including sidewalk and roadway closures. These plans were closely coordinated with the contractor, MET Visitor Services, and NYCDOT.
Roadway closure work was minimized as it affected various vehicle uses for MET patrons, such as tour buses, taxis, school buses, and NYCT bus stop services. When roadway closures were required, coordination with NYCDOT and other city agencies led to plans for the temporary relocation of the vehicles to other nearby areas. Sam Schwartz provided Pedestrian Managers at these times to help MET Visitor Services assist pedestrians to cross Fifth Avenue, and also to advise them as to where the temporary vehicle zones were located. Community outreach services were also provided to the local community, to advise them as to what construction activities would be taking place at different times during the project.