
Sarasota, FL


City of Sarasota


  • Roundabout Design

Ringling and Orange Roundabout


Florida is rated as the deadliest state for traffic conflicts at intersections in the United States. To improve public safety, our engineers and planners utilize technology, community engagement, and technical best practices to design innovative context-sensitive intersection solutions. The Ringling at Orange Roundabout is one example of how our team saw a challenge as an opportunity and exceeded public and client expectations.

The Ringling at Orange signalized intersection was awkward due to numerous turning lanes and the pedestrian-heavy context provided by multi-story office buildings and the historic U.S. Post Office on Orange Ave. Given this setting, we knew that improving pedestrian safety and comfort was as important as addressing traffic concerns—particularly the delays caused by public transit buses in tight turn lanes. Our team provided design and construction administrative services to address congestion, improve pedestrian and bicycle accessibility and safety, reduce speeds at approaching corridors, and improve the overall character of the space with a context-sensitive and effective modern roundabout.

The successful design provided primary and secondary benefits which have since made the former intersection a beloved and engaging part of downtown Sarasota. Safety benefits include minimized crossing distances and speeds along Ringling Ave., landscaped refuge islands, improved signaling and signage, and increased sidewalks widths. Traffic engineering improvements eliminated the bus-prohibitive turn lanes, improved circulation and access at the U.S. Post Office, utilized prominent paint-striping, and completely eliminated any intimidating existing conditions. To top it all off, the roundabout features public artwork and increased green-space which beautifies the space and reduces storm-water runoff.

The new Ringling at Orange Roundabout opened in July 2018 to rave reviews from residents and users. It has made a truly positive impact on downtown Sarasota and set a precedent for context-sensitive and effective traffic engineering.
