New York, NY
The Alliance for Downtown New York (ADNY)
Transportation Planning
Pedestrian Planning
Stock Exchange District study
Image credit: WXY
Sam Schwartz was contracted as part of a team providing planning services to the Alliance for Downtown New York (ADNY). The project aimed to promote physical, operational, and design changes to the Stock Exchange District in Manhattan and upgrade it into a vibrant and secure public space.
By analyzing accessibility, pedestrian conditions, and other mobility issues in and around the District, Sam Schwartz helped clarify streetscape functions and operations, optimized circulation patterns for all modes, and introduced innovative methods for deliveries, trash collection, and other back-of-house services. Proposed pedestrian environment improvement strategies included shared curbless streets, wayfinding, and improved lighting. To transform operations on the District’s narrow streets, Sam Schwartz also introduced innovative concepts such as an urban delivery consolidation center.