Moline, IL
City of Moline
Existing Conditions Analysis
Feasibility Analysis
Moline Trail alternatives analysis
Sam Schwartz was asked by the City of Moline to analyze and develop recommendations for a bicycle and pedestrian connection between an existing trail along the Mississippi River (the Ben Butterworth Parkway) and the planned River to River Trail that connects to the Rock River. The existing I-74 bridge that crosses the Mississippi is being replaced with a new bridge that will have a pedestrian and bicycle facility on the downstream side of the structure. This is an exciting opportunity to provide a bi-state trail connection through downtown Moline.
A thorough alternatives analysis considered several on-street connections as well as an overpass and weighed the pros and cons of each alignment. Through an iterative process with stakeholders, a preferred alternative was selected for additional exploration. Sam Schwartz developed conceptual designs for the preferred alignment, providing additional details at critical locations such as complex intersections and at-grade rail crossings. The conceptual designs set the foundation for the City to begin Phase I engineering on the preferred alignment.