Kennett Square, PA
Transportation Planning
Traffic Engineering
Longwood Gardens Master Plan
Sam Schwartz was the transportation planning and traffic engineering consultant for the Longwood Gardens Master Plan, working directly for West 8, the project landscape architects. Sam Schwartz collected extensive data on traffic and parking conditions at the facility during typical summer operating days and during special winter holiday events with over 12,000 attendees. Pedestrian access and circulation issues within the garden were also studied, along with their interactions with private vehicles, shuttles, and service vehicles.
The current patterns were used to develop recommendations for providing safe and efficient circulation to, from, and within the site that met the facility’s larger development goals for the next 40 years. A major focus of the work was to facilitate and reorganize access from the site, with an emphasis on the heavy, directional flows created by large events such as live concerts and fireworks shows, as well as high-attendance seasons. Other recommendations addressed the interactions of bicycle and pedestrian pathways and trails with vehicular circulation.