Jeff Smithline, PE, PTOE
New York, NY
Jeff Smithline serves as national lead for traffic engineering and has 25 years of diverse experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He has managed projects ranging from neighborhood and campus transportation plans to large-scale traffic impact studies to highway and interchange design projects. He has also led street and corridor redesign projects that improve safety and operations across all travel modes and has worked on high-profile street transformation projects including Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, and West Randolph Street in Chicago. His project experience also includes transportation and parking planning for facilities with unique transportation characteristics including bus terminals, airports, casinos, hospitals, universities, convention centers, and stadiums/arenas.
Jeff specializes in traffic analysis, multi-modal site access and circulation plans, traffic impact and parking studies, bus rapid transit (BRT) implementation, travel demand management, and pedestrian and bicycle safety and is an expert in using traffic analysis and microsimulation models such as Vissim and Synchro/SimTraffic. He is also a registered Professional Engineer in CT, DC, FL, ID, IL, MD, MI, NJ, NY, TX, and VA and a certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE).
What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Most people use books on punctuation and grammar as a reference; I enjoy reading them cover to cover. My first was The Elements of Style. My latest was Dreyer's English.