New York, NY
Construction Administration
Hudson Street streetscape Design/Build
Sam Schwartz and Prima Paving were retained by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) to serve as the designer and builder, respectively, as part of the Hudson Street Streetscapes portion of the Hudson Square Improvement Master Plan. It was NYCEDC’s first design-build project.
The goal of this project was to improve pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular safety by creating a grand boulevard that animates and beautifies the commercial district while complementing the distinctive character of the surrounding neighborhood. It reallocates road space by furnishing a protected bike lane and adds to the pedestrian realm, creating widened sidewalks enhanced by greening and social seating. This involved the relocation of utilities as well as the reconstruction of the west side of Hudson Street between Canal Street and Houston Street.
Sam Schwartz’s civil engineering design team ledthe final design and agency approvals coordination. We served as the design-build team’s primary liaison and communication hub to client agencies NYCEDC, NYCDOT, and the Hudson Square Business Improvement District (HS BID), as well as outside agencies, including NYCDOT, NYCDEP, PANYNJ, and NYC Parks. Sam Schwartz also managed public engagement and outreach to property owners within the corridor as part of the construction staging. Finally, we led coordination of work zone traffic controls that expedite construction while ameliorating community concerns during the build phase.