Edwin Villanueva, PE
New York, NY
Edwin Villanueva, PE, is the Program Manager of the Transportation Operations group at Sam Schwartz, with 15 years of experience working as a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of New York. Edwin is a systems engineer with a background in transportation engineering, traffic engineering, traffic management and strategic planning. He has experience with traffic impact studies, traffic management plans (TMP), signals warrant studies, traffic surveys, capacity and level-of-service analysis, parking analysis, trip generation/ distribution analysis and data collection.
Edwin is currently the Operations Manager for the development of the traffic management team and operating procedures at the JFK Airport Operations Center. He also provides oversight and support for staff operating the New York State Department of Transportation Management Centers in Rochester and Syracuse, NY, and for the Statewide Transportation Information Coordination Center in Albany, NY. He has previously served as the TMP Coordinator of the LGA Airport Operations Center (LGA-AOC), led development of Traffic Management Scenarios for Incidents, and was critical in developing the traffic management operations of the LGA-AOC. Mr. Villanueva is familiar with the transportation design standards included in the latest MUTCD, HCM, AASHTO, ITE Trip Generation, and Dimensions of Parking manuals/handbookss.